Monday, 18 February 2013


Rough ideas of techniques I might use for my final - referencing back to my initial tests to know what techniques I can achieve and experiment with. 

My first initial rough of my storyboard - you can see I've bullet pointed the story with words first and the scenes I decided to use and not use. From this initial draft I reviewed the most 'defining' scenes and they made  it onto the 'final' storyboard. But if you scroll down you can see I still had some adjustments when I thought of a scene that could work better such as the undressing scene (6.5) and the groping scene (7). 
1 + 2) heart shape montage to get across the genre I guess?
3) Introduce Kitty with her appearing from the hearts.
4) We see Kitty infatuated. With hearts/love etc coming out of her.
5) We see Owner happy  and smiling and Girlfriend appears from below *hint hint* - she blows him a kiss - hopefully conveying they are in love with each other.
6) Start of love scene.
6.5) Undressing of the Girlfriend.
7) Fondle of the Girlfriend, we see the Owners hand grope her breasts.
8) Kitty montage of being upset and flashing of breasts. 
9) Tears montage
10) Montage of Kitty and breasts before it ends with breasts. Hint of the solution for her.
11) Introduction of the knife. 
12) Knife surreal 'trippy' montage (symbolism) .
13) Close up of Kitty's torso, tears stream as a 'X' is marked onto her chest.
14) The knife is inserted and goes to a blank black screen (we think she has committed suicide).
15) Kitty slowly wakes up.
16) pan down of the chest and we see the tits
17) Shot of Kitty being overjoyed - she jiggles her new found tits.
18) Kitty silhouette waits patiently for owner - hearts beaming from her. Owner walks in and jumps in horror.
19) The words 'WTF' appear in a grid format and ends with an exclamation with a cat symbol replacing the dot. It ends with a close up of Kitty's head silhouette.
This is my story board for my animation in which I think conveys my story well enough. I've broken it down to 19 key scenes. 
This a rough paper animatic of my narrative. The final  is to be in a collage style and will incorporate colour/music hopefully. 

193 stills for 1 minute and 8 seconds animation! I know animatics are typically done through sketches but I wanted to test it would actually work (not very experienced with stop motion - so any hands on practise helps)  before I went down the collage route which will take me awhile to prepare for anyway (finding the right materials etc). I'm going to ask the opinions of others because I probably have the story so ingrained in my head my judgement is probably blurred. Also after reviewing my animatic I want to be a bit more experimental with some of the scenes ( 3 and 8 in particular) with more techniques, since I played around so much with my stop motion tests it would be a shame to not utilise them in some way.
Feedback from others:
  • Get the basis of story but when I fill in with context it was suggested I make it more overt that  Kitty is more  jealous of the Owners Girlfriend.
  • Try and convey that Kitty belongs to the Owner and Girlfriend.
  • Make the ending more dramatic?
  • "At first I thought someone had fallen in love then I thought it was lust and an obsession with the cats tits. Quite abstract. Were you trying to personify the cat and the love it has for its owner?? (I replied yes). I thought it hit the nail on the head. I got the feeling the cat was jealous of the girl too. I liked it. Was the knife symbolic of the cat wanting surgery to have tits??"

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