Wednesday, 3 April 2013


Here's my film synced up with music (As always please watch in HD) - Broke For Free - Night Owl
I found this song from YouTube and Free Music Archive  which is a site that allows you to legally download audio by a range of artists in every genre imaginable. When I heard Night Owl I just knew it could possibly work with my film - there's an upbeat quality and the beat I think works in synergy with the stop motion timing/rhythm. I'll keep my ears open to any more music I think 'works' too but for the meantime this and Chris' is my main focus.
Here's the initial rough idea my friend Chris Bygrave thought of for my film. He's a third year music student at Newcastle University and we met at a house party and whilst doing some talking he's somehow involved with my project. Which is really nice of him. I've not synced his music with my film because it wouldn't give his work any justice because the quality is so poor (since it's just an initial rough). We are meeting up this week to record it properly in a studio. I really like his interpretation - it creates a different mood for my film and I guess it flows better since it's been custom made to my narrative. I gave Chris free run and trust his judgement and knowledge in music production. I might make a few suggestions here and there but for the most part I think our collaboration is to respect each others fields? I feel since I'm asking such a  huge favor I don't feel comfortable having a dictatorial role. He says I can, but I trust him to do a good job. I'm looking forward to meeting up and recording the audio - how cool a guy you met at a party, happens to do music and is now helping you on your film.... thanks Chris. 

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