3rd time lucky pleeeeeease.
I decided to make a mock up of my comic and once printed I found a few things that I've since corrected. This is hopefully the last version before I send it off to the printers.
- The front cover type was irking me a bit I was happy with the design overall after doing a few mock ups of potential covers but it was the actual 'type' details that I wanted to make sure were 'right'. I managed to get my publisher friend to give me some advice and he suggested just minor aligning of things and making sure things sit in line to look 'better'. I think the cover looks much more balanced overall now.
- I've aligned all my panels higher now because they were sitting too low and looked as if they were falling down. Not good.
- A few panels I've adjusted now I've seen them in print. Like moving the Kitty hearts second to last page because it showed too much of the chest.
- The 2013 on the back cover has also been moved to go along with the right hierarchy of text.
I should probably add the covers will be in a coloured stock and I'm thinking of using pink - which although stereotypical it translates what I'm intending = the girl friend issue. I'll be looking around for the right hue of pink. Light? Dark? Soft? Pastel.... SO MANY PINKS.
A few of my peers across my course have also been having a look at my comic and the feedback is generally positive. And they get the story which is great or I'd be doing a bad job. I''m not quite sure why people are so surprised by the ending since the title is such a giveaway ha ha! And my class mate Ben might be doing a comic swap since were both doing comics. Fun fun fun! It's coming together... huzzah!
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