Monday, 4 March 2013


My PowerPoint presentation for 28/03/13
  1. The origins of Kitty - she was born on November 2011 and with this project I get to trace back how she *ahem* acquired her titties.
  2. Initial ideas - from my layout pad ideas of how she ended up having them. Using Hugo's 'random' object method.
  3. The story in short
  4.  My animatic of the full story - Kitty's perspective
  5. Development of Kitty character - I highlight two styles I'm interested in developing.
  6. Test/animatic of my collage Kitty
  7. Test/animatic of my ink collage Kitty
  8. Comic - G.F's perspective
  9. Lost poster - Owners perspective
  10. Initial ideas
  11. Draft of poster
  12. Link of blog and YouTube
That's the rundown of my presentation. It was actually a really fun presentation because I think for most of us we've not had the chance to share each others ideas with one another, so it was enjoyable to just sit down and see what all your peers came up with..... each story were so varied! From folk tales to drama. And in all different mediums of interpretation (singing, monologue... everything). My main 'task' I got given for the presentation was to present the two styles so I could get some feedback. I'd say it was a pretty mixed bag - everyone had different opinions (mostly 50/50) so ultimately the decision was really up to me - have some conviction dammit (that was just type vomit)!
 I also got some feedback on how to improve on my poster design - my peers suggested I didn't need to go down the computer route, it didn't seem necessary for the purpose of being a lost poster. Which was great because it was the route I originally wanted to go down anyway. 
I just need to knuckle down with my animation and sort out the poster. So I'm on right track! Just need to get cracking. 

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