Monday, 4 March 2013


Here's my animatic with the 'original' sketch version of Kitty. 'Weirdly' during my presentation Hugo and a few others mentioned they liked the style of my animatic was done in too. I'm kind of in a dilemma of having TOO many options to go down - which is a better situation than the latter but I'm always a bit of a 'pussy' at making creative decisions when I'm personally divided on opinion - I like all of them for different reasons. Merge? Or just make a god-damn decision Laisum. I'm a crap designer :(
 Just test - I play around with some techniques and show key 'traits' of Kitty (happy, sad and tits)

This ink collage style is probably the most popular  one out of my tests - I've been showing the two (this and the below) to people and the majority prefer this one. I think by creating my own original materials it was more easier to convey emotions across because I could literally just draw what I wanted without sourcing materials (print collage). There's a different vibe. Kitty appears much more 'innocent' and there's a less serious slant/'mood' since it does adopt a more 'typical' cartoon style. 
Just test - I play around with some techniques and show key 'traits' of Kitty (happy, sad and tits)

The purely collage version. Maybe a grown up version of the above. There's a kind of 'creepy' vibe with the collage effect. I've done it so that it's kind of static... maybe it's a bit 'art-house' style. I play around with more filming techniques a bit more here which I really enjoyed. I don't want my stop motion just to be moving - I like things manifesting and becoming interactive which I've tried doing. I should add this is just my test of Kitty. I intend on having the Owner and G.F done more of this collage style - 'realistic'. So maybe if Kitty is done in the ink-collage style and the other characters done in the more 'traditional' way. I'm just trying to visualise if I can make the two together work. So I'm thinking I need to do one more test of the two styles combined so I can make an informed decision and just have the balls to make the final thing.
Something I should probably add is I don't plan to add any dialogue (or narration) SFX sound effects. I'm just wanting it to be purely image based with a background audio. All of the background music I've used on my videos is just purely for tests... but the animatic soundtrack is growing on me - it's got the right tempo to be upbeat yet not too overpowering. Hey look I've made a decision. 

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